3rd Grade Worksheets & Activities
Welcome to our 3rd grade worksheets! Third grade represents the last segment of the first quarter of a child’s K-12 experience. They have come a long way! By this time, learners will know many words by sight and know even more words when they are spoken.
Fourth grade learners can read simple words and are best supported through high-interest stories and informational texts. These learners benefit from direct instruction that is broken into small pieces. They are learning a lot, but it’s best to take it part by part. As writers, these learners will require opportunities that mix support and independence. They will often share details verbally to expand upon the ideas they present in writing.
Here are some helpful printable verb conjugation worksheets. Verb conjugation means changing the form of a verb to reflect its tense, person, number, mood, or voice. In other words, it’s the way verbs change to show the action’s timing, who’s performing it, and the verb’s relationship with other elements in…
We’ve included several helping verbs worksheets you can use in class or at home. Helping verbs are verbs that help the main verb in a sentence to express the mood, tense, or voice of the action. They usually come before the main verb. Students typically begin learning about helping verbs…
Here’s our collection of printable action verbs worksheets. Action verbs are words that describe an action or activity performed by the subject of a sentence. They express physical or mental actions and are an important part of grammar. Examples of action verbs include “swim,” “think,” “eat,” “jump,” and “read.” Students…
Welcome to our linking verbs worksheets! Linking verbs are verbs that connect a subject to its complement, providing more information about the subject without describing an action. They often describe a state or condition. The most common linking verb is the verb “to be” in its various forms. Other linking…
Welcome to our abstract noun worksheets and resources section! Abstract nouns are a type of noun that refer to intangible concepts, ideas, emotions, or qualities that cannot be perceived through the five senses. Unlike concrete nouns that refer to physical objects, abstract nouns represent ideas or qualities that exist only…
Welcome to our common and proper noun worksheets! Students typically start learning about common and proper nouns in the early elementary grades, around first or second grade. We’ve included some great resources below to help.
Welcome to our concrete noun worksheets! In this series of worksheets, students will learn about one of the fundamental types of nouns. Concrete nouns are words that represent physical objects, substances, and phenomena that exist in the real world, and can be seen, touched, heard, tasted, or smelled. Some examples…
Below you’ll find out plural and irregular plural worksheets. It varies, but typically, students start learning about plurals around first or second grade, when they’ve built a foundation in basic reading and writing skills. In this section, we’ve put together a variety of worksheets to help students practice and master…
Below you’ll find ten different printable main idea graphic organizers that you can use in the class or at home. A graphic organizer is a tool that students can use to better understand and organize their thoughts while reading or writing. It helps students to focus on the most important…
Here you’ll find a variety of printable third grade sight words worksheets to use in the classroom or at home. We’ve included sight word flash cards, tracing activities, matching, printable sight word bingo and more. Each worksheet uses the Dolch list of sight words. We have sight words worksheets for…