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3rd Grade Worksheets & Activities

Welcome to our 3rd grade worksheets! Third grade represents the last segment of the first quarter of a child’s K-12 experience. They have come a long way! By this time, learners will know many words by sight and know even more words when they are spoken.

Fourth grade learners can read simple words and are best supported through high-interest stories and informational texts. These learners benefit from direct instruction that is broken into small pieces. They are learning a lot, but it’s best to take it part by part. As writers, these learners will require opportunities that mix support and independence. They will often share details verbally to expand upon the ideas they present in writing.

Valentines Day Writing Prompts

Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts

Valentine’s Day brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for Valentine’s Day, to craft love stories of all kinds. Responses to these prompts can vary by genre. Writers are encouraged to use rich detail and language, as well as…

Poetry Writing Prompts

Poetry Writing Prompts

Creative writing offers much opportunity for writers to stretch their minds and skills– this is especially true of the genre of poetry. We can find inspiration in the world around us, use figurative language, and employ vocabulary that is less typical of other genres of writing. Use the categories of…

Memoir and Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

Memoir and Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

Memoir and personal narrative writing offers much opportunity for writers to reflect, document, and ponder. While not all writers connect with traditional writing assignments, memoir and personal narrative can ease some of the challenges of writing. After all, this type of writing is based on lived experience! Whether shared or…

Funny Writing Prompts

Funny Writing Prompts

We’ve created a list of funny writing prompts below. Humorous writing offers much opportunity for writers to giggle and guffaw. While not all writers connect with traditional writing assignments, creating time for silliness and fun can motivate most people. Use the categories of “Funny Bunnies,” “School Spirit Days,” “Funny Reviews,”…

Opinion Writing Prompts

Opinion Writing Prompts

Welcome to our opinion writing prompts! In addition to creative writing, another way to stretch our minds and skills as writers is to consider the benefits of opinion-based writing. How can we persuade, empathize with, educate, inform, and help those around us by sharing what we know and think? Use…

January Writing Prompts

January Writing Prompts

We’ve provided a great list of January writing prompts below. The month of January brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for the month of January, to generate original responses about resolutions, winter wonderland experiences, arctic adventures, holidays, sports,…

February Writing Prompts

February Writing Prompts

The month of February brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for the month of February, to generate original responses about February holidays, sports, adventures, nature, traditions, and history. Responses to these prompts can vary in genre. Writers are…

March Writing Prompts

March Writing Prompts

We’re put together a great list of March writing prompts below. The month of March brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for the month of March, to generate original responses about holidays, celebrations, and history. Responses to these…

June Writing Prompts

June Writing Prompts

Our June writing prompts are below! The month of June brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for the month of June, to generate original responses about Father’s Day, the summer solstice, graduation, upcoming vacation plans, and more. Responses…

April Writing Prompts

April Writing Prompts

We’ve put together a great list of April writing prompts below! The month of April brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for the month of April, to generate original responses about month-long celebrations, climate initiatives, and nature. Responses…