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7th Grade Worksheets & Activities

Welcome to our 7th grade worksheets! As the middle school learners make their way through another year, they are journeying deeper into their skills and content matter.

In particular, seventh grade learners must write confidently about themes, nonfiction, and analyze readings to understand how they fit together and what they reveal. At this grade level, learners will need to show more command when organizing their writing and citing details to support their ideas in more extended responses. They will be writing with multi-page responses. These learners will also need to think more critically about their speaking and listening skills as they aim to meet the rising challenges of upper K-12 schoolwork.

Animals With the Biggest Eyes Article Image

What Animal Has the Biggest Eyes?

We saw that coming from a mile away! Ostriches are incredible animals. In fact, they boast the largest eyes of all land animals. Let’s keep an eye on this cool topic! Each Fun Fact Activity Packet contains one article, multiple choice questions and extended activities. For the earlier grade levels,…

Cats as service animals article image

Can Cats Be Service Animals?

But where’s the cat? She’s working! Dogs receive a lot of attention as service animals, but cats can be trained as well. Let’s get our claws into this one. Each Fun Fact Activity Packet contains one article, multiple choice questions and extended activities. For the earlier grade levels, there are…

Character Traits Anchor Chart

Character Traits Anchor Chart

Welcome to our character traits anchor chart section! Character traits are qualities that define a character within a story. Readers can look for clues that are provided directly by the author, make interpretations based on a character’s language, thoughts, and action, and consider insights that other characters provide. Understanding and…

Compound Adjectives iSpy Activity

Compound Adjectives Worksheets

Compound adjectives can make writing more descriptive, colorful, and engaging. They can serve as a mighty team when describing characters, objects, or places in stories. For example, “wide-eyed,” “rainbow-colored,” and “ill-fated” are all compound adjectives. Compound adjectives are often seen when they appear as an adjective paired with a noun,…

7th and 8th Grade Writing Prompts

7th and 8th Grade Writing Prompts

Seventh and eighth grade brings more opportunity for learning, growing, and maturity. It’s important to ignite a love of writing through a variety of writing opportunities and topics that are both relevant and thought-provoking. Use the categories of “Self-Awareness,” “Engineering,” “Social Media,” “Advocates,” “Inventors,” and “Diligence” to embrace the magic…

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

Thanksgiving brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for Thanksgiving, to craft stories of all kinds. Responses to these prompts can vary in genre. Writers are encouraged to use rich detail and language, as well as all steps of…

Christmas Writing Prompts

Christmas Writing Prompts

Welcome to our Christmas writing prompts! Christmas brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for Christmas, to craft stories warm with holiday jollity. Responses to these prompts can vary in genre. Writers are encouraged to use rich detail and…

Halloween Writing Passages

Halloween Writing Prompts

Halloween brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for Halloween, to treat your spookier sense of creativity. Responses to these prompts can vary in genre. Writers are encouraged to use rich detail and language, as well as all steps…

Valentines Day Writing Prompts

Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts

Valentine’s Day brings much inspiration to writers of all ages and backgrounds. Use these creative writing category prompts, designed specifically for Valentine’s Day, to craft love stories of all kinds. Responses to these prompts can vary by genre. Writers are encouraged to use rich detail and language, as well as…

Poetry Writing Prompts

Poetry Writing Prompts

Creative writing offers much opportunity for writers to stretch their minds and skills– this is especially true of the genre of poetry. We can find inspiration in the world around us, use figurative language, and employ vocabulary that is less typical of other genres of writing. Use the categories of…