Concluding Sentence Examples


Developing your writing skills is an important part of early literacy development. As students increase their vocabulary and learn to string words into sentences, the sentences become paragraphs. Eventually, those ideas can become multi-part pieces written for a variety of audiences. 

Whether it is between paragraphs or to conclude an entire piece, no matter how short or long the composition may be, understanding the options for integrating concluding sentences is important. 

When it comes to writing informative or explanatory pieces, a work’s concluding statement can solidify or emphasize an idea.  

When writing creatively, conclusion sentences can leave the reader guessing and create a “cliffhanger.” Alternatively, they can also offer a final answer, resolution, or solve a mystery. 

Concluding sentences are just as much part of style as the introduction and the sophisticated vocabulary you include. 


A concluding sentence is a sentence that shares a final thought or summarizes the main idea of a paragraph or longer composition.


Transition Words and Phrases: Concluding sentences can begin with transition words or phrases. This is especially helpful when a writer concludes a paragraph. 

Here are a few suggestions that are useful and signal to your reader that you’re reaching the end of your piece. 

in conclusion, ultimately, overall, to conclude, finally, overall, therefore

Additionally, here are some examples of concluding sentences that could end a paragraph about the importance of recycling. 

  • In conclusion, recycling is an important way to preserve the environment. 
  • Ultimately, the act of recycling can allow us to protect the environment.
  • Overall, you can emphasize the importance of recycling by keeping designated bins in your space.
  • To conclude, recycling is an important practice that must be adopted by all people.
  • Finally, household recycling is a good way to promote environmental protection.
  • Overall, recycling is a significant factor in deterring waste from entering the natural environment. 
  • Therefore, educating people about the importance of recycling is an important part of environmental conservation. 

Transitioning to a New Idea

Concluding sentences can also be used to transition to a new idea that will be explored further in the subsequent paragraph. 

For example, in writing an essay about recycling, the writer may wish to explain different types of recycling. The following concluding sentences could be used to transition from a paragraph about composting to a second paragraph about recycling plastic. 

  • While composting is a critical process for recycling organic matter, plastics require special handling, as they can stay in the environment for much longer. 
  • Overall, composting is a good way to reuse organic kitchen scraps; plastic, however, demands isolation and processing in order to be reused effectively. 
  • Ultimately, composting is a great method of recycling organic material, and plastics can also be upcycled and used again and again once they have been cleaned. 

The End of an Essay

To conclude an essay with a single sentence, the same sentences can be used and then expanded on further. 

It is important to note that concluding an essay is an important opportunity to underscore your ideas and possibly present a call-to-action. New ideas should not be introduced at this time. 

Many of the same sentence starters and transition words used to end a paragraph can also be used to begin a concluding paragraph, which is generally more lengthy.

These include: “In conclusion,” “overall,” “therefore,” and “to conclude.”


Tips and Tricks

Part of writing strong concluding sentences and multi-sentence statements is all about understanding your audience and purpose. 

For instance, if you have a goal of confirming your thoughts, persuading someone to believe something, or providing an answer to a question, the concluding statement is your opportunity to do this. 

To determine your best concluding sentence, ask yourself these two questions:

  • What’s the goal of including this sentence?
  • What do I want my readers to remember?

Conclusions require time and thought. Be sure to dedicate time to this endeavor when writing!