5 Letter Words That Start With T

Welcome to our 5 letter words that start with T. Our selection of 5 letter T words spans a diverse range of meanings and grade levels, from everyday nouns like “table” for kindergarten to 1st grade, to expressive adjectives like “tough” for 2nd to 3rd grade.

Our printable worksheets includes a study list, word search activities, sentence exercises, and more.

Here’s the list of 5 letter T words, followed by the printable activities:

table, tally, taste, teach, teeth, thank, theft, their, theme, there, these, thick, thing, think, third, those, three, threw, throw, tight, times, tired, title, today, topic, total, touch, tough, tower, track, trade, train, treat, trend, trial, tried, tries, truck, truly, trust, truth, and twice

5 Letter T Words - Printable List and Activities