Adjective Phrases Worksheets

Adjective phrases can be quite fun to craft! Here, you’ll learn about this type of phrase along as well as find a variety of adjective phrases worksheets. But first, what are adjective phrases? Adjective phrases are groups of words that work together to describe a noun in a sentence. These combinations can be any length or complexity and add clarity and specificity to the noun being described.
For example, an example of an adjective phrase is “She wore a very sparkly necklace.” In this sentence, “very sparkly” is the adjective phrase describing the necklace. It tells us about the necklace’s appearance. Another example is “The bunny with brown and gray spots is mine” includes the adjective phrase “with brown and gray spots” to better illustrate the bunny’s features. The adjective phrase adds to the sentence; when writers remove the adjective phrase, the sentence should still make sense. It’s important to remember that writers and speakers can use any number of adjectives to create an adjective phrase– the more vocabulary you know, the more interesting your adjective phrases can really be! The richness with which adjectives enhance writing can offer readers or listeners a better understanding of what is being expressed.
Adjective Phrases Worksheets
Students will write a sentence using an adjective phrase and given words.
Read through the short passage. Then, circle the adjectives and underline or highlight the adjective phrases.
In this printable matching game, students will match each noun to its proper adjective phrase.
Students will read through the paragraph and underline or highlight the adjective phrases.
Read through each sentence. Then, fill in the blanks with an adjective or adjective phrase to finish each sentence.
Students will read the sentences on the worksheet and underline the adjective phrases.