Demonstrative Adjectives Worksheets

Welcome to our page for demonstrative adjectives worksheets! Demonstrative adjectives allow communicators to point out and identify specific things. They are words that describe and indicate which person, place, or thing we are talking about, relative to time or space. These special adjectives bring clarity to our sentences by identifying whether or not the object is nearby or far away. 

For example, two important and commonly used demonstrative adjectives include “this” and “that.” We hear these two demonstrative adjectives over and over again throughout the day when we want to indicate where a noun is located. For instance, when we say, “This toy is red,” we’re referring to something near (close) to us, like a toy we’re holding. By contrast, when we say, “That tree is tall,” we’re indicating something a little farther away, like a tree across the playground. Two more demonstrative nouns are “these” and “those,” which are similar to “this” and “that.” Demonstrative adjectives can ensure precision and clarity when we speak and write.

CCSS Standard
L.4, Language
NGLS Standard
L.4, Language

Demonstrative Adjectives Worksheets