Descriptive Adjectives Worksheets

Descriptive adjectives are words that describe or give more information about a person, place, thing, or idea. They make writing more interesting and engaging by adding details that illuminate what is being described. Descriptive adjectives can be positive, negative, comparative, superlative, and more. Learning about and implementing descriptive adjectives in writing encourages clear and vivid expression. Below, you’ll find our descriptive adjectives worksheets that are great for use at home or in the classroom!

Here are a few examples of descriptive adjectives: “big,” “small,” “happy,” “sad,” “colorful,” “shiny,” “tasty,” and “funny.” When writing, students can use these adjectives to bring their sentences to life. For instance, instead of saying, “The dog ran,” they can say, “The big, happy dog ran.” This not only provides more information about the dog but also creates a more engaging and descriptive sentence. As writers grow, it is essential to upgrade basic adjectives to those that are more descriptive like “enormous,” “miniature,” “elated, “mournful,” “vibrant,” “lustrous,” “savory,” and “comical.”

2, 3, 4, 5
CCSS Standard
L.4, Language
NGLS Standard
L.4, Language

Descriptive Adjectives Worksheets