F Words for Kids

Below, you’ll find our list of F words for kids that can be adapted for vocabulary lessons. We’ve also provided some fun text ideas that you can use by copying and pasting into your lesson materials.

Fargo is Fantastic! In this series, our alphabet friends, A through Z, become tourists in America’s cities. At each of their stops, letters dig into their supplies in order to learn a new word study skill or vocabulary term. 

F has packed its fanny pack for Fargo, North Dakota! During F’s trip, F is excited to learn about different syllable features and patterns through with the help of some wonderful word lists. Fabulous! F is looking forward to exploring landmarks and other points of interest in Fargo, reviewing technology words that begin with “f”, and learning all about communication words, like emotions, that start with the letter “f”. Let’s journey to Fargo for a fantastic escape! 

Tip: Best educational practices related to word study include: read-alouds, discussion, and writing. It is important to build rich connections between readers and the vocabulary words they learn. For instance, discuss sample sentences and make other personal associations to bolster recall, decoding, and encoding. As always, remember that some words may require frontloading and framing depending on the learner’s age, background, and needs. Helpful reminders for readers: A vowel is a speech sound produced by letters a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y. A consonant is a speech sound produced by all of the other letters in the alphabet. 

CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) Words: F’s first adventure in Fargo is to learn all about CVC words. F first visits Bonanzaville, a network of several historic buildings, to learn all about Fargo’s past. We like your style, F! CVC words are one of the building blocks of early literacy. These words consist of a consonant, followed by a vowel, followed by another consonant. Examples of CVC words include “cat,” “sit,” and “fun.” Below is a list of consonant-vowel-consonant words that begin with the letter “f.” Let’s see what F sees!


Closed Syllables: F is flying high on all the Fargo fun at the air museum. So many planes, crafts, and celebration for airplanes! After a tour, F reads a list about closed syllables. When the vowel of a syllable is short, the syllable is closed off by one or more consonants. Examples of closed syllable words include “hat,” “pin,” and “dotted.” Let’s review these words with F.


Open Syllables: F is really fast on foot in Fargo. F’s next stop is to the Red River Zoo. So many fantastic creatures to see and meet! While relaxing by the fox exhibit, F looks through its fanny pack and finds a list all about open syllables. Fantastic! Open syllables have a vowel sound that is long and ends with a vowel. Because there is no consonant after the vowel in the syllable, the vowel is able to make the long sound, which sounds exactly like the name of the letter that makes the sound in that syllable. Examples of open syllable words include “no,” “me,” and “hi.” The “o” in “no” sounds just like how “o” is identified by name. The “i” in “hi” sounds just like how “i” is identified by name. Let’s review with F! 


Silent Vowel Pairs (or Teams): F sees a few storm clouds rolling in and decides to visit the Fargo Theater for a movie. Before previews begin, F enjoys a list about silent vowel pairs from its fanny pack. This is certainly a good list to review in a quiet theater! Silent vowel pairs have two vowels together: one of them stays silent. Examples of silent vowel pair words include “boat,” “rain,” and “suit.” Even though the vowels are a pair or team, the first vowel to appear in the pair makes the sound. Below is a list of words that begin with “f” that have a silent vowel pair.


R-Controlled Vowels: As the movie ends, F feels inspired to keep exploring. The next stop is the Hjemkomst Center to get an up close look at a Viking ship. Wow! F finds a cozy nook, enjoys a fizzy drink, and pulls another list from its fanny pack. This list is all about “R” and how it can be a bossy letter. R-controlled vowels happen when a vowel is controlled by the letter “r.” Examples of r-controlled vowels include “car,” “bird,” and “fern.” F reviews the list below:


Final Stable Syllables: F has such a fun time taking selfies in front of the Viking ship and then decides to get some lunch. What do people eat in Fargo? Well, all kinds of things, of course! F feasts on a bison burger and fries. Yum! While enjoying the feast, F reviews a list of final stable syllables. Final stable syllables are found in the final (last or lattermost) position of words. These syllables contain a consonant and one of the following vowel endings: -ble, -cle, -dle, -fle, -gle, -kle, -ple, -sle, -tle, -zle, -tion, -sion, -ture, -cian, -cious, and -tious. They are called “stable” because the pronunciation of each is reliable and predictable (always the same). Here’s the list that F reads:


“F” in Animals: F decides to return to the zoo for another look at all of the animals. While at the zoo, F discovers its list of “f-named animals. What a great place to review! Explore animals from all over the globe, all of which begin with the letter, “f.”


“F” in Technology: The sun comes out and F decides to visit Lindenwood Park for a fine time! F plays around and then pulls out the next list from its fanny pack. This one is all about technology. Here’s what F sees!

flash drivefirewallfileformatfilter
“friend”Facebookframe“Forgot Password”find

“F” in Communication: Before F leaves Fargo for the day, F decides to tour the highly recommended Plains Art Museum. The museum helps F see and appreciate Native American, folk, and contemporary art. What a fabulous facility! After seeing several exciting exhibits, F takes a break on a comfy bench and reads another list. These are important words! Here “f” nouns, adjectives, and verbs that readers and communicators should become familiar with.
