STEM Task Cards (4th – 6th grade)

This is amazing and that’s just science! Fuel students’ passion for science, technology, engineering, and math with task cards that inspire hands-on exploration. Use a variety of tasks to foster inquiry-based learning, experimentation, and innovation in order to nurture the next generation of STEM leaders. Students will build, ponder, and explore various types of sciences and have opportunities for empathetic design. Note that this set of task cards will require classroom mobility and access to certain implements and supplies. Want to engage the classroom in a think-tank style discussion? Use the presentation version of the task cards to lead small group or whole-class discussions.
4, 5, 6CCSS Standard
R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, Reading: Literature or Informational Texts, SL.4, SL.5, Speaking & Listening, W.10, W.4, W.5, W.7, WritingNGLS Standard
R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, Reading Literature or Informational Texts, SL.4, SL.5, Speaking & Listening, W.4, W.5, W.6, Writing