W Words for Kids

Take a look at our assortment of W words for kids below, which can be incorporated into vocabulary lessons. We’ve also provided some fun text ideas that you can use by copying and pasting into your lesson materials.
Watch out, Washington, D.C.! We’re determined to wander all over your great city! In this series, our alphabet friends, A through Z, become tourists in America’s cities. At each of their stops, letters dig into their supplies in order to learn a new word study skill or vocabulary term.
W has added a few special items to its wallet for a visit to Washington, D.C.! During W’s trip, W is excited to learn about different syllable features and patterns with the help of some wonderful word lists in W‘s wallet. W is looking forward to exploring Washington , reviewing technology words that begin with “W”, and learning all about communication words, like emotions, traits, and other words that start with the letter “W”.
Tip: Best educational practices related to word study include: read-alouds, discussion, and writing. It is important to build rich connections between readers and the vocabulary words they learn. For instance, discuss sample sentences and make other personal associations to bolster recall, decoding, and encoding. As always, remember that some words may require frontloading and framing depending on the learner’s age, background, and needs. Helpful reminders for readers: A vowel is a speech sound produced by letters a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y. A consonant is a speech sound produced by all of the other letters in the alphabet.
CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) Words: While mostly known for its museums and history, Washington also has many dreamy spots of wonder. In whimsical gardens dispersed throughout the city, W encounters magical flowers, wandering butterflies, and whimsical sculptures. After seeing the sights, W enjoys the first list from its wallet! Easy ones! CVC words! W can explore the beauty of nature while spotting different plant species. The first word list is about CVC words. CVC words have a specific order: one consonant, followed by a vowel, followed by another consonant. Examples of CVC words include “cat,” “sit,” and “fun.” These words are important to learn because they help readers develop their phonemic awareness, which is the ability to identify and manipulate the individual sounds in words. Below is a short list of consonant-vowel-consonant words that begin with “w.”
wad | web | win | wax | way |
wag | wed | wig | wok | wiz |
was | wet | wit | won | wus |
Closed Syllables: We couldn’t go to Washington without visiting the White House. W gets a grand tour and imagines being the president as it explores the iconic rooms. W sneaks into the oval office and gives the president’s chair a quick whirl, opening its wallet for its second word list. When the vowel of a syllable is short, the syllable is closed off by one or more consonants. Examples of closed syllable words include “hat,” “pin,” and “dotted.”
waffle | whisper | winter | whistle | wobble |
wagon | window | wonderful | wrestle | won |
water | windy | wander | written | wit |
welcome | winner | wizard | wax |
Open Syllables: Let’s walk around! W visits the lively Wharf Waterfront, a bustling place filled with boats, shops, and street performers. Way cool, W! W peruses the waterfront, watching the shimmering water and listening to the sounds of the city. W’s next list is all about open syllables. Open syllables have a vowel sound that is long and ends with a vowel. Because there is no consonant after the vowel in the syllable, the vowel is able to make the long sound, which sounds exactly like the name of the letter that makes the sound in that syllable. Examples of open syllable words include “no,” “me,” and “hi.” The “o” in “no” sounds just like how “o” is identified by name. The “i” in “hi” sounds just like how “i” is identified by name. Here are some words that begin with “w” and have open syllables.
wavy | woozy | wheelchair | wiseguy | wiped |
weekend | widen | woke | wine | wider |
Weezer | wreath | writing | whine | wane |
weeding | wasted | writer | whiney |
Silent Vowel Pairs (or Teams): So tall, so towering! W takes a whirl around the wicked tall Washington Monument, a magnificent structure that stands tall and proud. W enjoys the breathtaking view of the city from the observation deck. “We’re very high up,” says W, looking down wide-eyed! W finds a few minutes to dig into its wallet for the next list. Silent vowel pairs have two vowels together: one of them stays silent. Examples of silent vowel pair words include “boat,” “rain,” and “suit.” Even though the vowels are a pair or team, the first vowel to appear in the pair makes the sound. Below is a list of words that begin with “n” that have a silent vowel pair.
waif | waist | weak | weed | weekday |
weaken | wound | wield | weap | weekend |
weary | ween | weave | whoop | weird |
weaned | weal | weaver | weasel | waive |
R-Controlled Vowels: It’s time for a snack! W’s hungry tummy leads it to several different eateries. What a vibrant culinary paradise filled with mouthwatering delights! W can savor local Washington DC cuisine like waffle cones, watermelon slices, and warm pretzels. W enjoys some snacks and pulls out its wallet for another word list. This list is all about “R” and how it can be a bossy letter. R-controlled vowels happen when a vowel is controlled by the letter “r.” Examples of r-controlled vowels include “car,” “bird,” and “fern.” W reviews the list below:
warden | wardrobe | whaler | work | worth |
warder | warm | winner | world | worthy |
wart | warp | whisper | worm | waverunner |
watcher | word | warlock | worry | worrisome |
Final Stable Syllables: W enters the enchanting Library of Congress, a place where books are on the main stage. “Wow!” says W. After much adventure, W looks for the next list in its wallet: final stable syllables! Final stable syllables are found in the final (last or lattermost) position of words. These syllables contain a consonant and one of the following vowel endings: -ble, -cle, -dle, -fle, -gle, -kle, -ple, -sle, -tle, -zle, -tion, -sion, -ture, -cian, -cious, and -tious. They are called “stable” because the pronunciation of each is reliable and predictable (always the same). Here’s the list that W reads:
waffle | whistle | whittle | wiggle | wriggle |
widdle | wobble | wrinkle | wrinkle | whiffle |
wandle | wrestle | wimple | wattle | wrangle |
“W” in Animals: W takes a break from museums and enjoys some adventure at Washington’s Smithsonian Zoo, where wonderful and wacky animals wiggle and wobble. W can explore the diverse world of wildlife! Let’s take a look at the next list from W’s wallet!
wallaby | warthog | whale | wolf | woodpecker |
walrus | weasel | wildebeest | wombat | wren |
“W” in Technology: W wanders over to the National Children’s Museum for its next wonderful adventure! The Museum is a place that engages W in all kinds of activities! This next list is all about technology that begins with “w!” Let’s look at the list from W’s wallet:
wearable | webcast | website | wifi | wireless |
webcam | webinar | widget | wiki | workstation |
“W” in Communication: W walks up the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial. “Wow! W exclaims. W admires the view and the history. What an incredible place! As the day closes, W enjoys a final word list all about communication. Here are some “w” nouns, adjectives, and verbs that readers and communicators should become familiar with.
warmhearted | well-organized | wisdom | words | weary |
warmth | whimsical | wit | wary | win-win |
welcome | wise | willful | write | willing |
whisper | workforce | witty | workable | willingly |
wistful | workplace | wonder | welcoming | |
wholehearted | willingness | wordplay | well-coordinated |