NGLS Standard L.2 Worksheets (Language for ELA and Literacy)

Below you’ll find materials aligned to Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS). This page houses print-ready PDFs and digital PDF worksheets, packets, and lessons aligned to the NGLS standards for English Language Arts. Language, Standard 2 (L2) is “Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing” This standard applies to grades K-12.

(Click to browse all Common Core sheets and Next Generation Learning Standards worksheets by filterable standards. View our helpful Next Generation Learning Standards Alignment Menu.)

Interjection Worksheets

Interjections are an important part of language that can bring energy and emotion to our sentences. As parents and teachers, it’s helpful to introduce interjections to young learners early, as they add fun and expression to communication. An interjection is a word or phrase that shows strong feeling or reaction,…

Pronoun Space Adventure Activity-Image

Pronoun Worksheets

Understanding pronouns is a key step in helping young learners develop their language skills, and practicing with pronoun worksheets is a great way to get started. As parents and teachers, it’s important to introduce pronouns early, as they are fundamental in making sentences more concise and clear. Pronouns replace nouns,…

CUPS Writing Extension Activity Image

CUPS Writing Extension Activity

Polish up your skills with our CUPS Writing Strategies Extension Activity Packet. Designed for student support related to grammar and editing skills, this resource centers on Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling, with activities designed for each of those skills. Target specific skills or give students time to work on all…

ARMS Writing Extension Activity Image

ARMS Writing Extension Activity

Empower your students’ writing skills with our ARMS Strategies Extension Activity Packet. This packet is a great tool for guiding students through an important part of the writing process: revising! By Adding, Removing, Modifying, and Substituting content, writers can get into the practice of drafting and polishing their writing through…

Capitalizing Months of the Year Worksheet

Capitalization Worksheets

Welcome to our page all about capitalization worksheets! Here, you’ll find a helpful assortment of printable activities that focus on capitalization for parents to use in the classroom or at home for extra practice. First, students will learn how to capitalize individual words, such as: holidays, names, places, days of…

Fourth Grade Scope and Sequence Image

4th Grade Spelling Words

Welcome to our section for 4th Grade Spelling Words! This spelling program consists of 36 weeks of structured lessons, each focusing on specific phonetic patterns, blends, or rules and phonics skills. The program begins with vowel and consonant pattern review in Weeks 1-6, followed by syllable division review in Weeks…

Cause and Effect Anchor Chart

Cause and Effect Anchor Chart

Here you’ll find our cause and effect anchor chart resources! Across many genres, understanding the connections between actions and consequences is an important part of unlocking the details of a text’s organizations and the implications of an event or other force (“cause”). Additionally, 21st century learners must be especially attuned…

Write a Sentence Using Concrete Nouns and Abstract Nouns Activity

Concrete Noun Worksheets

Welcome to our concrete noun worksheets! In this series of worksheets, students will learn about one of the fundamental types of nouns. Concrete nouns are words that represent physical objects, substances, and phenomena that exist in the real world, and can be seen, touched, heard, tasted, or smelled. Some examples…