Types of Poetry Examples and Activities

There are many different types of poetry, such as: haiku, limerick, acrostic, cinquain, concrete, free verse, odes, and more. These varieties can be used for different occasions and modes of expression; each is unique. Below, you’ll find links to our printable resources for different types of poetry examples and activities.

You may recognize certain genres of poetry that are widely used in English classes and history courses. For instance, sonnets were first popularized by Renaissance poets, Francesco Petrarca (his sonnets are called Petrarchan sonnets), and later by “The Bard,” William Shakespeare. These poems have a particular length, structure, and rhythm.

In history, epic poetry has also made a notable impact on humanity. For example, “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” an ancient text, tells the story of a King on a quest for eternal life. Homer’s “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” also chronicle heroes, gods, and detail themes and beliefs important to Greek culture. All of these works have served as incredible inspiration for the presence of poetry across different societies and the world and underscore its importance as a means of expression.

In classrooms, we love poems (and you will, too!)! Below, you’ll find activities for a few of our favorite types of poems for students who are learning about poetry (and themselves) through the experience of writing original poems.

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CCSS Standard
Reading: Literature or Informational Texts, Writing
NGLS Standard
Reading Literature or Informational Texts, Writing